I Didn’t See it Coming… None of Us Do! Lewy Body Dementia Speaker Mary Lou Falcone

Event Dates

  • Monday, 10/21/2024 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Event Description

About: Mary Lou Falcone is an internationally recognized classical music publicist/strategist who has helped guide the careers of celebrated artists for over 50 years.

After caring for her husband Nicholas ‘Nicky’ Zann, who died from Lewy body dementia (LBD) in 2020, she has added advocate for Lewy body dementia awareness to her resume, publishing ‘I Didn’t See It Coming’ in 2023. This book is a memoir of love, loss, and Lewy body dementia and talks about the hope, laughter, and tears that come with caregiving.

What to know/bring: This will include a 45-60 minute presentation, with 30 additional minutes for questions. This event is free to the public, but registration is required, as space is limited.




Kayla Olson (608) 240-7464


Ellen Taylor (608) 240-7472 


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