Dane County Executive Parisi Announces Grant to Aid Local Communities in Park and Trail Flood Repairs

June 03, 2019
Ariana Vruwink (608) 267-8823
County Executive

Today, Dane County Executive Joe Parisi announced that local communities can now apply for Dane County’s $1 million Park and Trail Flood Repair Grant. The fund was created in the Dane County’s 2019 budget to aid communities in recouping flood damage costs due to recent flooding, especially the flooding that occurred last August and September.

“Our Dane County parks and trails are essential for maintaining a good quality of life,” said Dane County Executive Joe Parisi. “This grant will help ensure the outdoor recreation destinations Dane County residents visited before last year’s flooding can be restored for continued safety and enjoyment.”

From Black Earth to Belleville, August’s flash flooding ruined not only homes and roads, but also the places where neighborhoods and families recreate and rely upon for the quality of life Dane County is proud to offer. Pheasant Branch Conservancy experienced millions of dollars in damage following last August’s heavy rains, with five out of six bridges getting washed out. The Wolf Run Trail in Mazomanie also got washed away in the flooding, forcing the trail to temporarily shut down. It is locations like these that Dane County hopes to aid through the Park and Trail Flood Repair Grant.

Grant submissions are due July 31, 2019 and should include the following:

  • Project narrative that describes the scope and extent of flood damage that has occurred to the park or trail facilities
  • Project map(s) that identifies the damaged park or trail facilities
  • Site plan or design and engineering plans for necessary repairs
  • Project budget that includes an itemized list of repair costs, funding commitments from FEMA or other sources, and amount of county assistance requested

Priority for funding will be given to projects that are identified in the Dane County Parks and Open Space Plan or have previously received financial assistance from the county. Submissions and follow-up questions about application process can be directed to Sara Rigelman, Park Property Planner at the Dane County Land and Water Resources Department – Parks Division at Rigelman@countyofdane.com or (608) 224-3611.