October 25, 2019
Lauren Kuhl, 608.283.1433
County Board

County Board committees continue to consider amendments to the 2020 budget as proposed by Dane County Executive Parisi.


The standing committees of the County Board each meet and make recommendations to the Personnel and Finance Committee, which then makes a recommendation to the full County Board of a package of amendments which balances revenues and expenditures.  The Board is scheduled to take up the budget on November 11 at 7:00pm.


“The County is responsible for a wide variety of services that improve the quality of life for our residents and help people live successful lives.  This year, County Board amendments build on the county’s strong commitment to addressing mental health needs and criminal justice reform,” said Sharon Corrigan, County Board Chair (district 26). 


The Health and Human Needs Committee met on Thursday to consider a number of amendments, including:

  • Adding an additional $1 million to the new CJ Tubbs Fund for Hope, Healing, and Recovery to address gaps in mental/behavioral health services in Dane County.  The amendment also specifies that the Department of Human Services embrace an aggressive schedule of public engagement regarding new funding for this and other new mental health initiatives; and

  • Adding $50,000 to Outreach, Inc. to fund a full time staff position to work 50% on alcohol and other drug addiction prevention, and 50% on issues of homelessness in the LGBTQ communities; and

  • Adding a full-time Community Health Specialist two-year project position charged with developing, implementing and monitoring the 2020 DCDHS initiatives focused on community centers and mental health.


Other committees of the County Board have also been considering amendments. 


The Public Protection and Judiciary Committee met earlier this week and took up several amendments – including:

  • Adding funds to investigate the potential for a community justice center in Dane County; and

  • Adding a full-time Victim Witness Case Manager devoted to restorative justice approaches.


On Tuesday the Public Works and Transportation (PWT) Committee also made recommendations on amendments, some included:

  • Providing scholarships for educational programs for children of low income families and families of color to participate in programs offered by the Henry Vilas Zoo; and

  • Two capital amendments to further the work being done on redeveloping the Alliant Energy Center – one amendment for $495,000 to complete schematic designs for the expansion of the Exhibition Hall and the second to continue project management services; and

  • Adding funds to make improvements to county buildings to provide public access to private spaces to breastfeed or express milk. 


Committee recommendations for changes to the proposed budget are forwarded to the Personnel and Finance Committee, which is scheduled to begin review of 2020 budget amendments beginning on Tuesday, October 29th.