Public Invited to Informational Meetings about Cherokee-Yahara River Estuary

November 01, 2019
John Reimer
Land & Water Resources


Contact: John Reimer, Dane County Land & Water Resources Department

608-224-3612 –



Public Invited to Informational Meetings about Cherokee-Yahara River Estuary

Dane County, City of Madison, Town of Westport, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and UW-Madison Invite Public Comment for the Cherokee-Yahara River Estuary at Two Public Informational Meetings in November.


MADISON, WI – November 1, 2019: The Dane County Land & Water Resources Department was awarded a planning grant from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Department to create long-term plan for a portion of the Cherokee-Yahara River Estuary. The objectives of the plan are to enhance (i) recreation, (ii) fishery and wildlife, (iii) water quality and vegetation, and (iv) erosion and sediment trapping in the estuary. 


The public is invited to attend and provide public comment at informational meetings on November 5 and 14, 2019. At each meeting, an introduction and general background of the project will be provided. Then the public will have the opportunity to provide input at four breakout stations. Representatives from Dane County, City of Madison, Town of Westport, DNR, and UW-Madison will be at each station to provide information and collect public input.


Tuesday, November 5

Warner Community Recreation Center (1625 Northport Drive, Madison, WI)

6:30 – 6:45 p.m: Welcome and Project Background

6:45 – 8:30 p.m: Breakout Stations


Thursday, November 14

Westport Town Hall (5387 Mary Lake Road, Waunakee, WI)

6:30 – 6:45 p.m: Welcome and Project Background

6:45 – 8:30 p.m: Breakout Stations


About Dane County Land & Water Resources Department

The Dane County Land & Water Resources Department works to protect and enhance Dane County’s natural, cultural, and historic resources. It provides the county’s residents with a broad array of accessible, high quality resource-based recreational services and facilities, and supports residents, communities, local governments and other agencies and organizations in their resource management and protection activities.

