“Barracks Behind Bars”

November 11, 2019
Elise Schaffer, PIO, (608) 284-6142
Sheriff's Office

The Dane County Sheriff’s Office has created a Veterans’ Housing Unit (also known as “Barracks Behind Bars,”) for incarcerated veterans.  The Dane County Jail Veterans’ Housing Unit is the first in the State of Wisconsin.  The Veterans’ Housing Unit is an extension of the Dane County Veterans Court, which was started back in October 2014.  Assigning veterans to one location allows for specialized veteran treatment, services, and offers the veterans a supportive environment (veterans supporting veterans, strengthened by the military history and values they mutually share).  The Dane County Sheriff’s Office commitment to helping veterans is made possible through a valuable network of partnerships with local organizations, outside agencies and other stakeholders.  These combined efforts honor veterans’ sacrifices, facilitate successful veteran re-entry back into society, reduce recidivism, and improve public safety.