January 23, 2020
Supervisor Paul Nelson, 608.695.1464
County Board

Dane County Board Chair Sharon Corrigan tonight announced her resignation from the County Board, effective Friday morning at 8 AM.  She addressed her fellow members of the County Board at the end of the meeting Thursday evening.


“Tonight I want to share with you what is, for me, bittersweet news,” said Corrigan.  “I am submitting my resignation from the County Board effective tomorrow morning.  I have been asked to consider an opportunity that will take me from this seat as your Chair and from my seat representing the 26th district on this Board.”


Corrigan has served on the County Board for 10 years, the last six as Chair of the Board.  She announced last year that she would not seek re-election this spring.


Corrigan expressed appreciation for her colleagues on the Board as well as for the dedication of county staff.  Corrigan also indicated her inspiration by the commitment of the residents of Dane County.


County ordinance provides that the first vice chair of the County Board becomes the Chair in the event of a resignation; the second vice chair then assumes the role of first vice chair.  For the current Board term, Supervisor Paul Nelson, District 9, is the first vice chair, and Supervisor Analiese Eicher, District 3, is the second vice chair.


“I want to thank Sharon Corrigan for her extraordinary service on the Board, particularly the outstanding leadership she provided during the nearly 6 years we have served together,” said Nelson.  “Her ability to set priorities, move projects forward, work collaboratively, and engage supervisors and the public in the policy work of the county has been an invaluable asset, and is a model of effectiveness for future leadership to emulate,” he concluded.