Analiese Eicher: Wisconsin’s Youngest County Board Chair

February 11, 2020
Lauren Kuhl, 608.283.1433
County Board

February 6, 2020 marked the first Dane County Board meeting as Chair for Supervisor Analiese Eicher (District 3). Eicher, 31, may be new to the role of chair, but she is not new to local government. 

She was most recently elected in 2018 representing approximately half of the City Of Sun Prairie, the county’s second largest city. Eicher previously served on the County Board from 2010-2012, representing District 5 in downtown Madison, where a majority of the district is comprised of students.  


Eicher became County Board Chair in late January, following former County Board Supervisor Sharon Corrigan’s resignation from the Board.  Although Supervisor Paul Nelson then became Chair, he resigned from that post, citing a need for continuity in leadership. Eicher transitioned from her role as 2nd Vice Chair to County Board Chair for the remainder of the 2018-2020 Board term, which ends in April 2020.


“I look forward to supporting the Board during these remaining months of the term,” said Eicher. “Our committees remain engaged in meaningful work that impacts every corner of Dane County.”


Eicher brings a depth and breadth of experience to her leadership role.  She has previously served on the Zoning and Land Regulation Committee, the Health and Human Needs Committee, the Human Services Board, and the Cultural Affairs Commission.  Eicher is currently a member of the Personnel and Finance Committee, and serves proudly
on the Youth Commission and Park Commission. In Sun Prairie she has served on the city’s Plan Commission since 2016, and has also served on the Downtown Steering Committee, and the Library Advisory Task Force. 

“I love local government. I love county government,” added Eicher. “I’m grateful for this opportunity to lead an incredible board of supervisors at this point in my life.” 

Eicher lives in Sun Prairie with her partner, Jeff, and dog Bernie – named after Milwaukee Brewers mascot Bernie Brewer.  In her free time Eicher enjoys playing soccer and attending community events.