February 27, 2020
Lauren Kuhl, 608-283-1433
County Board

Dane County Parks are one of the County’s greatest assets.  With over 26 parks including 7 dog parks, 18 wildlife areas, 14 natural resource areas, 4 historical/cultural sites, 2 forests, over 100 miles of trails, 5 campgrounds, and the Lussier Family Heritage Center, there is something for everyone to do. 

While many parks are found in the more rural communities of the county – even those looking to get out in nature by bus can get to William G. Lunney Lake Farm County Park in Madison. 

If you’re looking for something to do most weekends of the year, there is an event happening in one of the county parks.  Events are posted on the parks website and updated frequently: https://www.danecountyparks.com/Event/Home/Index/12

“The best part of Dane County’s parks is the availability of activities and events for everyone,” said County Board Chair Analiese Eicher (District 3), who also serves on Dane County’s Park Commission. 

“Our parks are gorgeous, we are lucky to have them, and I am so grateful to our tremendous volunteers and friends groups who maintain and improve our parks year round. With Spring approaching this is a great time for new folks to get involved.”

In 2019 there were over 4,200 volunteers working for Dane County parks contributing close to 67,000 hours supporting the county’s parks and natural resource areas. 

Dane County Parks has 20 active Friends Groups who volunteer their time and services in support of the Dane County Park System. More information about the various friends groups can be found here: https://parks-lwrd.countyofdane.com/Volunteer-Program#friends-groups  

If you’re interested in learning more about volunteering or getting involved with Dane County Parks there is a volunteer summit on March 7 at Lussier Family Heritage center.  More event details are available here: https://www.danecountyparks.com/Event/Home/Detail/667 .  Volunteer opportunities can also be found on the Parks website: https://parks-lwrd.countyofdane.com/Volunteer-Program#friends-groups

Some of the current events and programs include:

  1. Plant Dane is now accepting orders for native plants.  The plants are available at a discounted rate.  The public can also buy plants that are then given to school and community groups that have applied for free plants.  They can be specific which group they want to donate to.  More information on ordering plants, donating plants, etc can be found here: https://ripple-effects.com/plantDane

  2. There is a rain garden workshop on February 29th for anyone that wants to put a rain garden in at their house.  The timing of the workshop corresponds to the plant ordering deadline of March 20th, so the public can go to the workshop and learn how to put in a garden and order plants.  Information on the workshop is available here: https://ripple-effects.com/plantDane

April 17th will be gallery night at the Lussier Family Heritage Center.  This is an event coordinated with Dane Arts Mural Arts where art will be on display and available for purchase and a portion of the proceeds will be used to help fund a nature-themed mural at Lussier Family Heritage Center.