March 18, 2020
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher, 608.571.6823
County Board

In an effort to follow Public Health of Madison and Dane County guidelines, the Dane County Board of Supervisors will hold their regularly scheduled meeting electronically Thursday night.  The meeting will take place at 7:00pm and will be open to the public.

A recent advisory from the State of Wisconsin Department of Justice indicates that the County Board will be meeting the spirit and complying with the open meetings law by making the electronic meeting open to the public.

The meeting will include items that will allow committees to conduct necessary business remotely in the coming weeks as Dane County prepares to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 that have been seen around the world.  As a reminder, County committee, board, and commission agendas can be accessed at

“These are unusual times," said County Board Chair Analiese Eicher. "We’re doing our best to keep the County moving forward, while still being open to the public.” 

The Board’s agenda will include a few items, primarily lease agreements and position reclassifications, but also a resolution accepting a $50,000 Youth Justice Innovations grant from the State of WI Department of Children and Families to address the needs of youth and families around truancy and school justice partnerships.

In order for the public to register to speak or register in support/against an item, a registration form must be completed.  An electronic form can be found here.
Information for participating electronically can be found at the top of the agenda:

Additionally, the County Board Office is closed until further announcement.  If you’d like to contact a specific Supervisor, please see their contact information on the County Board website.  If you’d like to speak with County Board staff, please call 608-266-5758.  

If you would like to contact the County Board as a whole the email address is: