April 10, 2020
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher, 608.571.6823
County Board

The need and importance of staying home during this time was underscored at the April 2nd County Board meeting.  April 2020 marks the end of another term for the County Board.  All 37 supervisors districts were on the spring ballot earlier this week, however 11 of the 37 Supervisors had decided not to run for re-election. 



At the April 2nd meeting, the outgoing supervisors, whose years of service on the County Board ranged from 2  to 24 years, were given the opportunity to provide farewell remarks.  Unique to this term was the need for Supervisors to say farewell from their homes because the County Board is currently meeting remotely as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 



  • Three supervisors served one two-year term: Tanya Buckingham (representing the Monona area), Kelly Danner (representing the near-West side of Madison), and Jason Knoll (representing the Verona area).  All three expressed their appreciation for staff and mentors and the ability to serve the residents of Dane County.



  • Huong Nguyen-Hilfiger (representing the far-West side of Madison), was appointed to a vacant seat and subsequently won election in 2018.  Addressing the Board, she said:  “When my family and I immigrated here over 20 years ago, we were supported by leaders like you and the programs that the Board and departments worked so hard to offer. It has been such an honor for me personally to give back to the community.”



  • Hayley Young (representing the campus area of Madison), served two two-year terms on the Board.  Young spoke about her experience on the Board and how it has shaped her future: “Serving on the board for the last four years has been such an incredible honor. My decision to go to graduate school was influenced by my serving on the County Board, and I know that this experience is going to continue to impact me for the rest of my life, and is letting me know that public service is where I belong.”



  • Nikki Jones (representing the Western Dane County) was appointed to a vacant seat in 2015, and then won election to the Board, serving two terms following her appointment.  Jones spoke about the importance of women in leadership roles, “contemporaneously (with my service), women across the country stepped up and out of the shadows and began to change their neighborhoods and their region and their country, and I was privileged to be swept up in this wave representing District 28. Going door-to-door meeting people of the region helped me realize the needs of rural Dane County”.



  • Jamie Kuhn (representing the far East side of Madison) has served on the County Board during two different points in the past 25 years.  Kuhn served one term beginning in 1998, and then ran for a vacant spot in 2017.   Kuhn spoke to her fellow Board members last week saying, “something to always remember is that times will always change and they will change quickly; what’s most important is to be kind, be flexible, and recognize that we are all really, really fortunate to be able to serve.”


  • Paul Nelson (representing the Middleton area) served on the Board for three terms and spoke to the Board about the challenges they are going to face:  “To those of you staying on the Board, you know you have some huge challenges in front of you, and although I won’t be there on the floor I will certainly be with you in spirit and I will be keeping tabs on what’s going on. I know you will be doing hard work and you have my total support.”



  • Bill Clausius (representing Sun Prairie) has been on the County Board for ten years. In his remarks he talked about how those years went fast, were satisfying, and thanked County staff for their contributions to Dane County.



  • As one of the longest serving County Board Supervisors, Bob Salov (representing the far East side of Dane County) has been on the County Board for 24 years.  Salov noted some his greatest accomplishments while being on the Board including the regionalization of the EMS system, the creation of the Criminal Justice Council, funding the library service, and his work with the Dunkirk Dam district.   “I ask so much that you visit the rural areas.  You know, Dane County is so beautiful. And it's so exceptional.”



Former County Board Chair Sharon Corrigan had also chosen not to seek re-election.  She resigned in January to serve as interim Director of the Alliant Energy Center.