June 03, 2020
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher, 608.571.6823
County Board

Creating a subcommittee to review fines and fees also on agenda


The Dane County Board of Supervisors will once again meet remotely Thursday night at 7:00pm as a part of their regularly scheduled meetings. 


The Board will be voting on a plan that includes a $10 million eviction prevention fund using CARES Act funding, along with efforts to increase housing stability, including:


  • $500,000 in additional funding for families in need through direct landlord agreements using a fund administered by Dane County’s Joining Forces for Families
  • $390,000 in limited-term housing navigation staff and rental assistance through an expansion of an existing housing navigation program provided by Catholic Charities
  • $245,000 for quick move-in funds (first month’s rent plus security deposit)


“Housing insecurity is experienced by too many members of our community.  The effects of COVID-19 on the economy and people’s ability to pay their rent will be felt for a long time to come.  This funding will help support our fellow community members experiencing a loss of income during this difficult time,” said County Board Chair Analiese Eicher (District 3). 


The Board will also vote on a resolution establishing the Public Protection and Judiciary Committee Fines and Fees Subcommittee.   The subcommittee will review the current fines and fees assessed in the civil, human services, and criminal justice systems and determine how Dane County can reduce or eliminate these fees, fines, and costs. The review will include analysis of the financial hardship and justice hardship placed on low income individuals and their families because of fees. The subcommittee will make recommendations on approaches to mitigate the impact of these charges.


"Fines and fees within the government systems keep low-income people in poverty.  Disproportionately within the criminal and juvenile systems, black people are impacted. This subcommittee will inventory what fines and fees are being assessed and work to eliminate them, so that people are not being held down in poverty" said County Board Supervisor Carousel Bayrd (District 8).


The 14-member subcommittee will make a report of findings and recommendations, to include recommendations for the 2022 county budget, to the Public Protection and Judiciary Committee and the Health and Human Needs Committee before June 15, 2021.


The agenda for the June 4 County Board meeting is available here.  Information for the public to register to speak or register in support/opposition is on the top of the agenda along with the information to listen and view the meeting.