Parisi Statement: Dane County Reaches 1,000 Case Mark on Covid-19

June 17, 2020
Ariana Vruwink, 608-267-8823
County Executive

Dane County Executive Joe Parisi issued the following statement today, as the county recorded its 1,000th case of Covid-19:

“We have all adapted to a great deal of change since the first case of Covid-19 was reported in Dane County back in February. At that time, it was one of the first dozen confirmed cases in the country, better preparing us all for what was to come. In the months that have passed, we have each experienced great challenges, both as individuals and as a community. We have also seen people rally together like never before to care for one another. We put one another first and rallied together to keep family, friends, and neighbors safe. We rallied to meet the very basic needs strained by the toll this pandemic has taken not only on our physical and mental health but also our economic vitality.

“As we pass the 1,000-case mark, it's important to note our work is far from over. Covid-19 remains in our community. It cannot be taken lightly or dismissed. It is a very real threat to our well-being. Covid-19 continues to spread, disproportionately affecting communities of color, seniors, and those with health conditions. That said, everyone is at risk of transmitting this illness and can become carriers, potentially making those closest to them very sick. As we have seen in so many other states, we may not be through the worst of this and need to remain vigilant. Based on federal health projections, this fall could become very difficult once again.

“The individual actions we take every day are critical to reducing the risk of infection. While our rates of illness remain lower than other locations, we must continue to do all we can—minimize being in group settings, wear masks, and practice frequent hand washing. Sadly, our community will experience many more cases and deaths before the end of the year. There will be more job losses. More kids will struggle with modified school lessons. More individuals will experience mental health challenges. Together, we must continue to bring out the best in one another to navigate the challenges we still face from Covid-19. As a lifelong Dane County resident, I know we are up to the task before us.

“I am grateful for the countless members of our community who get up every day with the goal of trying to make life just a little easier for someone else during these times. Thank you. The spirit of this community will prevail over this pandemic.”