Gun Store Burglary

July 06, 2020
Elise Schaffer, PIO, (608) 284-6142
Sheriff's Office

The Dane County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a burglary at Smitty’s Guns, located at 575 London Road in the town of Deerfield.

Deputies responded to an alarm at the business at 7:14 am on Sunday, July 5th. The burglars had forced entry to the store and stole over 30 firearms. A red Toyota Corolla believed to be connected to the crime was found abandoned, but still running, in the ditch on Highway 73. The Toyota was determined to have been stolen from the City of Madison overnight. A second vehicle, a black sedan, is also believed to be involved. Both were captured on video in the area.

Deputies have been contacting residents along London Road to find any witnesses and/or collect video from home surveillance systems or video doorbell devices. Anyone with information or possibly video evidence related to this burglary is asked to call the Dane County tip line at (608) 284-6900.