July 15, 2020
Analiese Eicher, Dane County Board Chair (608.571.6823) or Scott McDonell, Dane County Clerk (608.266.4121)
County Board

Dane County Board Chair Analiese Eicher and Dane County Clerk Scott McDonell invite the public to apply for a position on Dane County’s Redistricting Commission. The 11-member commission will be appointed this summer by Chair Eicher and Clerk McDonell.


Under Section 59.10 of the Wisconsin Statutes, county governments in Wisconsin must create new county board district boundaries every ten years, immediately after the federal census.  


In 2016, the Dane County Board of Supervisors adopted Ordinance Amendment 2016-OA 32, which created a nonpartisan independent citizen Redistricting Commission.  The Commission is tasked with submitting at least three draft supervisory district maps to the County Board by no later than May 31, 2021.  


There are several criteria that members of the commission need to meet:

    • Must be a resident of Dane County
    • May not be a member of the Dane County Board, an employee of Dane County, or a contract consultant
    • May not be a lobbyist registered with the Dane County Board
    • May not hold or have held an official position with a political party or partisan organization within the year prior to appointment
    • May not have participated in the State of Wisconsin 2011 partisan redistricting process
    • Must be impartial, which includes refraining from engaging in any political party activity or supporting the election or defeat of any candidate or referendum during their tenure on the commission, and at the time of appointment no intent to seek election to the office of county board supervisor in the spring primary and general election immediately following redistricting
    • Must have a familiarity with maps
    • Must disclose any potential conflict of interest in conformance with s. 9.60


Anyone interested in applying for the Dane County Redistricting Commission needs to complete an application available on the Dane County Planning and Development Department’s website: https://www.danecountyplanning.com/Projects/Redistricting


Applications need to be received by July 31, 2020.