August 05, 2020
County Board Supervisor Carousel Bayrd, 608.658.7333
County Board

The Dane County Board of Supervisors Public Protection and Judiciary (PP&J) Committee Chair, Maureen McCarville (District 22) and County Board Chair Analiese Eicher (District 3) have appointed a subcommittee to lead a comprehensive review of fines and fees assessed in the civil and criminal justice systems. Supervisor Carousel Bayrd (District 8), PP&J Vice Chair, has been leading work on eliminating fines and fees in the criminal and civil justice system in Dane County for several years.


"We know our criminal justice system is inequitable, disproportionately affecting African Americans and low income individuals and their families. This subcommittee will address the financial harm created by the civil and criminal justice systems, and then will propose eliminating fines and fines in our systems that continue to keep individuals in a cycle of poverty and unable to access services," said Supervisor Bayrd (District 8). Supervisor Bayrd is currently PP&J’s longest serving member.


The PP&J Fines and Fees Subcommittee will review the current fines and fees assessed in the civil, human services, and criminal justice systems and determine how Dane County can reduce or eliminate these fees, fines, and costs. The review will include an analysis of the financial hardship and justice hardship placed on African American individuals, individuals of color, and low income individuals and their families because of fees.


"The members of this subcommittee that County Board Chair Analiese Eicher and I have jointly appointed along with representatives of the criminal justice system acknowledge the importance of reviewing the impact of fines and fees on individuals and families in Dane County. This subcommittee has a lot of work to do in the coming months. I’m hopeful we are able to address a part of the inequities our criminal justice system has", said McCarville.


The Subcommittee was established earlier this year and includes 14 members representing various roles in the criminal justice system as well as members of the public. The subcommittee appointments are:


County Board Supervisor Carousel Bayrd (member of Public Protection and Judiciary Committee)

County Board Supervisor Heidi Wegleitner (member of the Health and Human Needs Committee)

Five Community members:

  1. Reverend Joseph B Baring, Jr., Pastor, ST. Paul AME Church

  2. Dominique Christian, Housing Program Manager, The Road Home

  3. Sarah Davis, Co-Director, Lift Dane

  4. Linda Ketcham, Executive Director, JustDane (formerly Madison Urban Ministry)

  5. Erica Nelson, Director, Race to Equity


Additionally, Madison Common Council President Carter has appointed Alder Arvina Martin to serve on the subcommittee.


The subcommittee also includes:

  • The Presiding Dane County Circuit Court Judge or designee
  • The District Attorney or designee
  • The Dane County Sheriff’s Office or designee
  • The Public Defender or designee
  • The Clerk of Courts or designee
  • The Director of the Office of Equity and Inclusion or designee


The subcommittee will meet monthly, starting in September, and hopes to be completed within a year. It will make a report of findings and recommendations to the Public Protection and Judiciary Committee and the Health and Human Needs Committee.