County Executive Parisi: Local Businesses Should Continue Remote Work Accommodations Wherever Possible

August 10, 2020
Ariana Vruwink, 608-267-8823
County Executive

                                                     Data Shows Group Gatherings Continue to be Source of COVID-19 Spread Across Community

Wherever possible, local businesses should continue to try and make remote work accommodations for their workforces, County Executive Joe Parisi urged today. His comments come as Wisconsin this weekend surpassed 1,000 deaths from COVID-19. Meanwhile, data continues to show a high number of people who test positive are indicating being in group gathering with people not from their homes. According to figures from Public Health Madison & Dane County, nearly one in three new cases last week reported this while the county continues to see nearly 40% of COVID-19 cases come as a result of "community spread;” that is, an individual can't pinpoint the location of where they came into contact with the virus.

"Being tired of the pandemic is understandable but it doesn't make the virus less dangerous," Parisi said. "Disregarding safeguards puts more of us in danger. This virus is every bit as tenacious today as it's ever been. Patience, vigilance, and understanding will get us through what's an incredibly difficult time for all of us," he added.

"To our busy workplaces—if you can make arrangements for people to work from home, please continue to do so. To those who want to go to the neighbors for a big backyard barbeque, please think twice and don't assume those you're spending time with haven't come into contact with someone who is either a known or perhaps even unknown carrier. These steps—while not the most convenient or easiest thing to do—ultimately reduce all of our risk as a community. Working together and being mindful of the data, it's important we limit people coming into physical contact with one another who may not have to. This helps protect our frontline workers in health care, public safety, and those who help us with a smile in our grocery and convenience stores," Parisi added.

Parisi noted as of this morning there are 36 people hospitalized in Dane County as a result of COVID-19 and that includes some pediatric patients.

"This virus can affect any of us at any point in time. As we head into fall, colder weather, and flu season, it's critical we double our efforts now to make sure we are all wearing masks, keeping our physical space, and taking the steps necessary to protect our families and friends."