Thefts Continue Throughout Dane County

August 12, 2020
Elise Schaffer, PIO, (608) 284-6142
Sheriff's Office

Residents of rural Dane County are not immune to the recent crime trends of car thefts and burglaries. The Dane County Sheriff’s Office is reminding all residents, not matter where you live, to secure vehicles, garages and homes.

Between Monday night and Tuesday morning there were two burglaries resulting in stolen vehicles in the town of Dunn. During that same time period, several Cambridge area residents reported property taken from unlocked vehicles.

The thieves are typically scouring neighborhoods in search of unlocked vehicles.  They then use the garage door openers in those vehicles to access the garage and house, where they can steal whatever valuables are easily accessible, including car keys/fobs. To ensure you are not the next victim, lock vehicles, garage doors and any house access, at all times.