September 17, 2020
County Boar Chair Analiese Eicher, (608) 571-6823
County Board

The Dane County Board of Supervisors will be meeting tonight at 7:00pm as a part of their regular schedule. Details for members of the public on how to connect to the virtual meeting can be found at the top of the agenda.


The meeting will begin with a presentation from Kathy Kuntz, Acting Director of the Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change, on the 2020 Climate Action Plan. The plan was created by businesses, local governments, organizations, and other Dane County entities that came together in 2017 to work on the plan.


A climate action plan provides a science-based strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to address the effects of a climate that is already changing. The plan identifies the starting point, a destination, and the best route to take.


"All you need to do is turn on the news and hear about the devastating wildfires in the western region of the country, or look outside at night and see the smoke-filled haze to see the very real impacts of climate change. Dane County has been a leader among Wisconsin counties in identifying climate change as an issue—this plan will guide our actions to help fight climate change," said County Board Supervisor Michele Ritt (District 18).


The Board will also vote on a $3 million land purchase in the Town of Verona that will reduce downstream flood risk, protect water resources, and create more outdoor recreation opportunities. The 160 acre property is located between the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ Sugar River Wetlands Natural Resource Area and Dane County’s Falk Wells Sugar River wildlife area.


"I’m pleased to sponsor this effort to preserve one of the most serene sites in the Verona area during a time when our environment is being treated so poorly in so many ways. I’m grateful to all of the stewards involved for working on this treasure," said County Board Supervisor Mike Bare (District 32).


The funds for this purchase come from the Flood Risk Reduction Fund and the Dane County Conservation Fund.


Future conversion of croplands to prairie will reduce the amount of runoff into the streams providing groundwater protection and improved water quality. Restoration will also enhance wetland functions, enabling more floodwater storage while also providing improved fish and wildlife habitat.


"Adding to publicly accessible lands in Dane County, while also mitigating the effects of our changing climate make this purchase important for Dane County," County Board Chair Analiese Eicher added.


The Board will also vote on three resolutions accepting funds to address issues highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • $179,311 grant from the U.S. Department of Human Services to address mental health and substance use disorders
  • $2,165 grant from the Civil Money Penalty Reinvestment Fund of the State of Wisconsin to the Badger Prairie Healthcare Center to be used for two resident laptops. The laptops are intended to be used to enhance communication with physicians, psychologists, and other medical professionals, as well as family member visits
  • $184,000 in COVID relief funds for personal protective equipment, testing supplies, and technology for resident use at Badger Prairie Healthcare Center