Dane County to Award More Than $700,000 to Local Communities for Lakes Clean-Up Partnership Program

October 14, 2020
Ariana Vruwink, 608-267-8823
County Executive

Two projects in local communities will receive more than $700,000 as part of Dane County’s Urban Water Quality Grant Program, Dane County Executive Joe Parisi announced today. The selected projects in the City of Monona and the City of Verona directly address urban runoff and help clean and reduce stormwater volume to area lakes.

Dane County’s successful cost share program assists municipalities in constructing storm water management facilities that reduce stormwater volume and capture trash and phosphorus-laden debris, such as yard and pet waste, from washing directly into lakes and streams during heavy rain or snow melts. The goals of the Urban Water Quality Grant Program are to improve the quality and quantity of urban stormwater runoff entering Dane County lakes, rivers and streams, increase public awareness of urban water quality issues, and provide public education about urban stormwater quality improvement practices.

“The Urban Water Quality Grant Program allows us to partner with local communities to achieve the shared goal of cleaning up our lakes,” said County Executive Parisi. “Our waterways are incredibly valuable resources and an integral part of our quality of life. We are happy to partner with this year’s recipients and improve the quality of our waters.”

Dane County will award $206,150 to the City of Monona for its Underground Pond project at Stonebridge Park. The full project is expected to cost $412,300. Dane County will also award $500,000 to the City of Verona for its Lincoln Street Stormwater Facility project. The full project is expected to cost $2,070,000.

Since its start in 2005, the Urban Water Quality Grant Program has helped fund projects totaling almost $10 million that are estimated to have removed more than a half million pounds of debris and more than 2,000 pounds of phosphorus annually. One pound of phosphorus removed from the county’s watersheds prevents up to 500 pounds of algae growth in area lakes.

Financial assistance was available to municipalities in the form of cost sharing up to 50 percent of the total project cost, not to exceed $500,000. To be eligible, projects needed to 1) be constructed and fully functional within 2 years of the grant being awarded; 2) be designed to improve the quality or reduce the volume of stormwater runoff from developed drainage areas that do not meet current standards; 3) treat urban runoff draining to a lake, river, or stream.

A resolution to approve the awards will be introduced to the Dane County Board at Thursday’s meeting.