County Executive Parisi Statement: Wisconsin Deserves an Emergency Plan from President as State Becomes National Covid-19 Epicenter

October 16, 2020
Ariana Vruwink, 608-267-8823
County Executive

Dane County Executive Joe Parisi issued the following request prior to President Trump's visit to neighboring Rock County tomorrow:

"Wisconsin now sits atop nearly every national worst list for Covid-19. Seven of the top ten cities in the country for Covid-19 cases per capita are right here in the Badger State. More records fell just yesterday as our hospitals overflow and patients are moved into makeshift medical areas that up until now were used for fairs and celebrations. Altering a fairground to house oxygen tanks and medical beds is the clearest illustration yet of the failures of the national response to this pandemic.

"This is so far flung from normal, and more of the same won't cut it. Lots of people are really sick. We have lost 1,553 Wisconsinites to this pandemic. Based on what we are seeing with record numbers of new cases yesterday, this state is on track for countless more stories of needless loss and trauma. Nothing about this is okay.

"Mr. President – you're coming to the new national epicenter of this pandemic. Please use this opportunity to tell our state how you are going to stop this scourge. Share a vision this weekend for getting Wisconsin out of the depths of this public health crisis. Our physical, emotional, and financial health are suffering. Come to Wisconsin and embrace mask wearing. Don't come to be political. Instead, be presidential during a time when leadership matters. This state is really suffering. People are tired of all the words from Washington. Respectfully, please do something."