County Executive Parisi Statement: More Than 100 People Hospitalized for Covid-19 in Dane County

October 23, 2020
Ariana Vruwink, 608-267-8823
County Executive

Dane County Executive Joe Parisi issued the following statement as hospitals in the county marked for the first time having 100 patients in the hospital for Covid-19:

"As of this morning, there are 101 people hospitalized for Covid-19 in Dane County, and almost a third of them (30) are in intensive care. Five of these individuals are pediatric patients. This virus knows no boundaries and the sickness it's inflicting upon this community is causing hardship, fear, and loss. The Covid-19 pandemic is starting to breach what was once a firewall, growing numbers in our hospitals and intensive care units.

"The burden this places on our doctors, nurses, and other frontline medical professionals is immeasurable. These individuals and those they're working every day to save have families, friends, and loved ones. What is happening right now is taking an incredible emotional and physical toll that I fear will only compound in the coming months. Our region, like many others is starting from a deeply troubling place if the projections from epidemiologists come true that the next several weeks will be our most difficult of this pandemic.

"As we all continue to make sacrifices in an effort to somehow try to slow the spread of this virus, let's never forget those who spend their days covered head to toe in protective equipment wondering if it will be enough to insulate themselves and their families from falling victim to the very illness they are working so hard to fight."