November 11, 2020
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher (608) 571-6823 or County Clerk Scott McDonell (608) 266-4121
County Board

Effective today, Richard Kilmer has resigned from the Dane County Board. Kilmer had previously announced his anticipated resignation, but made it official today. Kilmer represented District 4 on the southwest side of the City of Madison, and has been on the Board since 2016.


Following his resignation, Kilmer recalled his proudest accomplishments while serving on the Board including a 2021 capital budget amendment to put $1.35 million toward the grocery store and low-cost housing development at 1402 S. Park Street. "This is such an important project for Madison's South Side and I am so proud to have helped bring this about as one of my last projects as a Dane County Board Supervisor District 4," Kilmer stated.


Additional accomplishments Kilmer noted were his work on the Health and Human Needs Committee, Area Agency on Aging Board, Equal Opportunities Commission, and the Aging and Disability Resource Center Board, as well as a budget amendment for increasing funding for Public Health Madison Dane County’s needle exchange program and for OutReach.


In addition to the vacancy created by Kilmer, the County Board will also fill the vacancy in District 12 on the north side of the City of Madison that was created by the unexpected death of Paul Rusk in October.


The Dane County Board Chair has announced the process for filling the vacancy in Supervisory District 4 (Town of Madison Wards 2-3; City of Madison Wards 69, 74-76, 78) and Supervisory District 12 (Village of Maple Bluff, City of Madison Wards 25-28, 30-32).


County ordinances provide for a vacancy in the office of county supervisor occurring at this point in the term to be filled by temporary appointment by the County Board chairperson, with confirmation by the County Board. The seat will then be subject to a special election to be held concurrently with the spring election on April 6, 2021. The County Board intends to act on the appointment at its regularly-scheduled meeting on December 17. The annual salary is currently $10,900.


"Individuals interested in the District 4 or District 12 vacancies must submit a Declaration of Candidacy and appointment papers containing a minimum of 25 signatures of electors in the District to the Office of the Dane County Clerk, City-County Building, Room 106A, by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 25, 2020," said County Clerk Scott McDonell.  "Nomination papers may only be circulated by the candidate," he added.


Due to the ongoing pandemic, nomination papers can be downloaded from the County Clerk’s website:

Two public hearings will be conducted by County Board Chair Eicher on Monday, November 30. Both hearings will be conducted virtually.

The hearing for District 4 will begin at 5:00pm and can be accessed here:

The hearing for District 12 will begin at 7:00pm and can be accessed here:


Interested parties are asked to virtually attend the hearing to describe their qualifications for the position.   Members of the public may testify at the hearing and will have a limit of 3 minutes. To register to testify, members of the public should specify their intention to do so when signing up for the virtual meeting. Questions regarding the process can be addressed to the County Board Office at 266-5758.