Giving Thanks: Dane County Calls on Community to Join "Cards for Health Care Heroes" Campaign

November 23, 2020
Ariana Vruwink, 608-267-8823
County Executive

Families and kids across Dane County are encouraged to color, draw, and write notes of thanks and encouragement to health care workers this Thanksgiving holiday, as the Covid-19 pandemic continues to worsen. Dane County Executive Joe Parisi announced today "Cards for Health Care Heroes," an effort to recognize the tireless and challenging work that thousands of doctors, nurses, specialists, emergency services responders and providers are doing in this community every hour of every day.

"This Thanksgiving, I'm hopeful families will give some thought to what they would say to a doctor or a nurse if they could, and then put those words, colors, and pictures of kindness to paper," Parisi said. "We are a deeply caring community and countless folks have asked me in recent weeks what they can do to help in the midst of this incredibly difficult time. Together, let's do a communitywide simple act of kindness," he added.

Parisi's announcement of "Cards for Health Care Heroes" comes in the wake of an open letter to Wisconsin authored by UW Health that was published on Sunday.

Families can send in their cards by mail to:

Dane County
Room 421
210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Madison, WI 53703

Participants can also submit their cards electronically at

Dane County will collect the cards and distribute them to health care providers in early December.

"This has been a most challenging year, and all of us have sacrificed greatly," Parisi said. "Through it all we have much to be thankful for, including people who get up every day to care for others. To our doctors, nurses, and all medical providers - we are incredibly grateful for you. We hear you. We know you are hurting. We know that we all can do things to help you get through what until now was unthinkable. First and foremost, we want to say thank you."