Conservative Group’s Legal Action Ignores Simple Request from Doctors, Nurses, Health Care Workers

November 23, 2020
Ariana Vruwink, 608-267-8823
County Executive

Dane County Executive Joe Parisi issued the following statement today regarding an attempt by a conservative legal activist group to end the latest health orders from Public Health Madison & Dane County designed to stop the surging, deadly spread of Covid-19 in our community:

“Conservative legal activists have spent the better part of the past 7 months fighting medicine and the only interventions available to slowing the spread of the deadly Covid-19 pandemic. Now, Wisconsin is in the midst of the greatest public health crisis in our state's history because groups like this fought masks and social distancing for months, sowing chaos that's now resulted in overflowing hospitals.

“We are now in the midst of what was once the unimaginable. Our doctors and nurses have reached the point of literally begging for our cooperation and help, resorting to buying ads in newspapers. Now is the time for us to come together, in the spirit of shared sacrifice and support for our doctors, nurses, and all medical providers who are literally fighting every day to keep people alive. This is not the time for more division and havoc that harms human health and results in lives lost.

“Dane County will vigorously defend its orders because it is the right thing to do for people who are giving their all right now."