December 17, 2020
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher, (608) 571-6823
County Board

The Dane County Board of Supervisors will consider a resolution that authorizes an agreement with Occupy Madison to provide housing services to people experiencing homelessness.


Occupy Madison has a plan to provide temporary emergency housing in 28 "tinier homes" to address the unmet need for people experiencing homelessness—primarily those living outside and in places not meant for human habitation. Occupy Madison has purchased a property at 1901 Aberg Ave to locate these "tinier homes" and to develop a permanent tiny house village over the next 12-18 months.


The agreement authorizes the Dane County Department of Human Services to operate the Emergency Temporary Housing Program and to enter into a contract with Occupy Madison in the amount of $200,000.


"As we think about the people most affected by the pandemic, individuals experiencing homelessness are one of the most vulnerable populations. Winter is upon us and getting people into safe, warm housing is a top priority," said Dane County Board Chair Analiese Eicher.


Also at tonight’s meeting, Cecely Castillo and Larry Palm will be sworn in as the two newest Supervisors on the Dane County Board.


Castillo will represent District 4 on the southwest side of the City of Madison. The vacancy occurred following Richard Kilmer’s resignation in November.


"I am so honored to be appointed to the Dane County Board. That I am the first Latinx to join the board makes me very proud, but is also a reminder of the strides we must take to ensure that all levels of government are reflective of their communities. I’m ready to get to work on behalf of District 4," said Castillo.


Palm will represent District 12 on the north side of the City of Madison. The vacancy occurred following the death of Paul Rusk.


"I am honored to be appointed to the Dane County Board after the sad loss of our friend Paul Rusk. I take his strong advocacy for Madison’s Northside community to heart and will do my best to continue this legacy," said Palm.


After being sworn in, both Palm and Castillo will hold their positions until spring 2021. If they wish to stay on the board representing these districts, they will need to run in a special election in the spring. If elected, the winner will hold the position for the remainder of the 2020-2022 term, which ends in April 2022.


The agenda for tonight’s meeting is available here. Information for the public to connect to the meeting or register to speak is at the top of the agenda.