December 22, 2020
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher, (608) 571-6823
County Board

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage across our county, state, and nation, members of the Dane County Board are once again asking for residents of Dane County to celebrate the upcoming holidays only with members of their households.


The number of cases of COVID-19 in Dane County have been decreasing since their high in November, but remain high, and social distancing and mask wearing continue to be the mitigation efforts that are available.


"There has been much excitement about the recently approved vaccines, but it will be a while before large populations of the public will have access to them.  At a time of year that is all about gathering, it will be difficult, but we need to stay home and not gather.  The data is showing that people were cautious for Thanksgiving, we need to have that same cautiousness over the next several weeks as we celebrate holidays. It’s a difficult sacrifice to miss spending time with our loved ones this holiday season. But the most loving thing we can do is stay home to protect them so we can hopefully all celebrate together in the future," said Supervisor Holly Hatcher (District 26), who is on the Board of Health, and is also a nurse. 


As isolation and mental health crises continue to be concerns as the pandemic stretches on, it is important for the public to take care of themselves as much as possible. Research has shown the impact the outdoors can have on improving mental and physical health.


Dane County has 26 Recreation parks, 20 wildlife areas, 4 historical or cultural sites, 2 forests, and over 100 miles of trails. The parks are open (with some limitations due to the pandemic), and provide countless opportunities for the public to safely recreate. Current closures and trail conditions can be found here:


"In this time of isolation and uncertainty, it is more important than ever to get fresh air and sunshine.  Bundle up and get outside.  We are fortunate to have beautiful county parks that offer multiple opportunities for recreation," said Supervisor Dave Ripp (District 29), who is also Chair of the Park Commission. 


Dane County Parks offer skiing and snowshoeing opportunities, members of the public can find which park offers these trails by searching here:


"It is important that we continue practicing safe public health measures, particularly as we approach the holidays, but there are ways to get out," said County Board Chair Analiese Eicher.


For anyone struggling with mental illness or isolation, United Way Dane County lists available resources on their website available here: