EMS Agencies Receive COVID-19 Vaccinations

December 30, 2020
Carrie Meier, 608-444-4827
Emergency Management

Emergency medical service (EMS) agencies across Dane County are receiving COVID-19 vaccinations.  Public Health Madison & Dane County is administering the vaccinations at the Alliant Energy Center. 

EMS personnel are receiving the vaccinations because of the high risk of COVID-19 exposure while providing medical care in emergency circumstances.  The vaccinations started Tuesday, December 29 and will continue into the new year.  EMS personnel are currently being vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine.

County Executive Joe Parisi has worked to ensure Dane County is supporting EMS providers.  “Working with Public Health Madison Dane County and the area hospitals, we advocated for our EMS providers to receive the vaccine.  They are the first point of contact in our emergency medical system and protecting them from COVID-19 is paramount.”

Dane County Emergency Management played a critical role coordinating the vaccination process with the 24 emergency medical service providers across Dane County.  “We have worked with Dane County’s EMS agencies to provide timely and accessible vaccinations for their personnel.  Our goal is to ensure all EMS personnel, are as protected as possible from the threat of COVID-19,” said Emergency Management Director Charles A. Tubbs Sr.

Dr. Kacey Kronenfeld, DC Emergency Management’s Medical Director, is proud to have Public Health Madison & Dane County as a partner in supporting our frontline EMS providers.  “Through months of constantly changing recommendations, concerns about whether EMS personnel are protecting themselves and their families and while continuously providing the highest medical care; EMS providers across Dane County have maintained their strong commitment to our community.”

Following EMS vaccinations, Public Health Madison & Dane County will continue to support vaccinating people that are eligible under vaccination Tier 1a. The state has not yet finalized recommendations about future tiers and the public is asked to be patient as the process moves forward.

Everyone should continue to actively take measures to reduce the spread of the virus, including:

  • Don’t gather with people outside your own household and if you must, wear a mask, stay at least six feet apart, and follow public health orders on gathering limits. 
  • Wear a mask when in public, even in outdoor locations.
  • Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds, scrubbing thoroughly and rinsing completely.
  • Stay home if you have COVID-19 symptoms and get tested.