January 06, 2021
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher, (608) 571-6823
County Board

Meeting features presentation about library services


At their first meeting of the New Year, the Dane County Board of Supervisors will hear from Tracy Herold, Director of the Dane County Library Service, on library access during the pandemic and resources available to the public. The meeting will take place on Thursday, January 7 at 7:00pm. Meetings will continue to be held virtually for the foreseeable future.


The Dane County Library Service is the primary public library service for many residents of Dane County. Director Herold’s presentation to the Board will touch on library access during the pandemic, how to get a digital library card, and use of the Libby app to get books.


"Access to information is critical no matter what is going on around us. Our library system has continued to work hard to meet the needs of the residents of the county as the pandemic continues", said County Board Supervisor Melissa Ratcliff (District 36) who also serves on the Library Board.


More information on the Dane County Library Service can be found here:


At Thursday’s meeting the Board will also consider:


  • A resolution for hiring of renewable natural gas plant staff including a Biogas Engineer and a Biogas Technician. Dane County will take responsibility for operations and management of the renewable natural gas plant. These functions are currently contracted to a third party.
  • A contract addendum with Second Harvest Food Bank to purchase and distribute food to Dane County food pantries to address food insecurity resulting from the pandemic. The addendum is in the amount of $5 million.


"While we are hopeful the coming months bring an end to the pandemic, the county is committed to continuing to provide assistance to residents in these challenging times," said County Board Chair Analiese Eicher.


The agenda for the meeting can be found here along with information for the public to register to speak or attend the meeting.