Parisi Statement: Sheriff Mahoney's Retirement

January 19, 2021
Scott Adrian, 608-266-2444
County Executive

Dane County Executive Joe Parisi issued the following statement regarding the retirement of Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney:

"Few people will have such a profound and positive impact on an organization and community than what Dave Mahoney accomplished in his four decades of public service, most recently as Sheriff of our county.

"Dave led the Sheriff's Office with grace and dignity, displaying every day the values we hold so dearly in this community. Dave championed not only for the men and women of law enforcement, but also for the individuals they came into contact with. Dave Mahoney advocated for and directly administered some of the most progressive criminal justice reforms in our county's history.

"Dave believed in addressing the contributing social factors that can lead to greater occurrence of law enforcement contact - poverty, substance abuse and addiction, and mental health challenges. His active support of the county's work in these areas has reduced recidivism and re-connected individuals with family and community. His work reduced what was a burgeoning jail population when he first became Sheriff and ended the very costly endeavor of moving inmates out of this county to other jails. 

"I am proud to call Dave a friend and colleague and am incredibly grateful for the many years we served together. On behalf of everyone in Dane County, thank you Dave for your unwavering work to make this community safer and our criminal justice system smarter."