Wisconsin Senate Votes to End State Mask Order; Dane County's Order Stands

January 27, 2021
Ariana Vruwink, 608-267-8823
County Executive

Dane County Executive Joe Parisi issued the following statement regarding today's vote by the Wisconsin State Senate to end Wisconsin's order on wearing masks:

"After thousands of deaths, families living in sheer terror of losing loved ones, and mounting uncertainty over long term health consequences we may not know the full effect of for years, Wisconsin needs more science and less politics.

"This pandemic has been worsened and prolonged due to stunts like this and patent untruths they convey. Science and medicine unanimously agreed long ago—masks are one of the most effective tools we have to slow the virus. Today's vote will sow confusion, perpetuate illness, and result in more needless suffering.

"As new, more contagious variants of the virus emerge we have a decision to make as a state and nation; are we going to come together and do what science says can help wind this pandemic down or continue to deny even the most basic facts to make baseless points?

"Regardless of what the Wisconsin State Legislature does with the state's orders relating to masks, Dane County's mask order will remain in effect. We will keep trying to keep a lid on the horrors of this pandemic, and spare as many families as we can the painful realities that can come from contracting Covid-19."