February 04, 2021
County Board Supervisor/Representative Shelia Stubbs-608-345-6961/County Board Supervisor Teran Peterson-608-520-9633/County Board Supervisor Anthony Gray-608-354-7122
County Board

At its meeting on Thursday, the Dane County Board of Supervisors will recognize February 2021 as Black History Month.


Black History Month provides a deliberate opportunity to reflect on the common humanity underlying all people and to raise awareness and foster respect for the heritage, influence, and contributions of people of African descent.


"It is critical that we continue to highlight and bring awareness of the contributions of our ancestors," said State Representative/Supervisor Shelia Stubbs (District 23). "We are a part of the long history of this county, state, and nation, and it is time that we celebrate, while also acknowledging that we have so far to go in the fight for equity."


The United States has recognized black history annually since February 12, 1926, first as "Negro History Week" and later as "Black History Month." It was originated by noted Harvard scholar and historian Dr. Carter G. Woodson to celebrate the ethnic and racial diversity that enriches and strengthens the nation.


"As we honor the past accomplishments of Black people, we must march onward to more representation in the economy, government, and business," said Supervisor Anthony Gray (District 14). "I hope each of us takes some time this month to learn more about Black History--and how we all can move forward together."


The current Dane County Board has the most African American members in its history, with three of 37 supervisors identifying as African American.


"I am pleased that our current board is beginning to look like the people we represent. That said, I am impatient with the slow pace of change and am motivated every day to work for equity for people of color," said County Board Supervisor Teran Peterson (District 19).


The virtual meeting is scheduled for 7:00pm, members of the public who wish to register to speak or attend, can find information to register at the top of the agenda.