February 10, 2021
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher (608) 571-6823
County Board

At its meeting tonight, the Dane County Park Commission is scheduled to take up several resolutions to provide grant and donation funds.


The virtual meeting will take place at 5:30 p.m. The agenda can be found here:


One of the items the commission will consider is a $4,550 donation from American Family Insurance for Youth Outreach and Education Programs being conducted by Dane County Parks. The funding will be used for the Junior Naturalist Program at the Lussier Family Heritage Center.


"Our parks play such an important role in the lives of Dane County residents. I’m pleased that we have the support of countless organizations, companies, and individuals," said County Board Chair Analiese Eicher.


The commission will also consider a resolution to accept donations for restoration at Pheasant Branch Conservancy. With the purchase of 160 acres on the north end of the conservancy, several partners have joined Dane County on the planning and implementation of site restoration. Restoration will significantly reduce stormwater runoff, improve water quality, and provide habitat through a diverse mix of native vegetation.


The restoration project involves a number of partners. The Nature Conservancy of Wisconsin, in collaboration with the Meringoff Family Foundation, will provide a $20,000 grant to support restoration of historic wetlands. The Friends of Pheasant Branch Conservancy will grant $25,000 to support the prairie and has pledged to continue fundraising with a goal of $100,000. Finally, the Clean Lakes Alliance will grant $25,000 to support the prairie, and has committed an additional $25,000 per year for three years for a total contribution of $100,000.


"We have the most beautiful parks and spaces in Dane County; these wouldn’t be the gems they are without the contributions and support of our partners and thousands of volunteers throughout the county," said Supervisor Dave Ripp (District 29), who is also Chair of the Park Commission.


Additional resolutions for consideration include:

  • A $12,126 donation from the Friends of Capital Springs Recreation Area to support the funding of a Naturalist LTE dedicated to conducting educational activities

  • $3,669 in grant revenue from the WI Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection as a part of its Soil and Water Resource Management Grant Program