February 25, 2021
County Board Supervisor Alex Joers, (608) 698-6643
County Board

In a letter sent to members of the Wisconsin Congressional Delegation, several members of the Dane County Board of Supervisors voiced their support for approving legislation that would provide $350 million for state, local, and tribal governments.


Through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Dane County was provided with a $95 million payment from the United States Treasury as part of the $150 billion Coronavirus Relief Fund. These funds were used to provide support for the community. As the letter indicates, several of these funds were quickly depleted due to the great need in the community. For example, the $10 million of CARES funds put into an eviction prevention program last year was exhausted in only 12 weeks.


"Receiving this funding is essential for us to continue providing support to our community and those who have been hit hardest by this pandemic. Our county has been able to direct relief to small businesses, COVID-19 testing capacity, rental assistance, food security, and many other initiatives. We are not through this pandemic yet, and we need additional aid to ensure our neighbors can get the help they need to recover," said County Board Supervisor Alex Joers (District 9).


The letter indicates that additional funding could be used to extend another round of support for small businesses, keep families in need fed with products from local farmers and food producers, provide additional support for renters and landlords to keep everyone in their homes, and keep the testing and vaccination sites supported as long as they are needed.



"This funding will help keep people in their homes with food on the table and the dignity of a job to go to each morning. As we go into our second year of the pandemic, support from the federal government is essential to providing much needed services to our residents," said County Board Supervisor Blaire Adkins (District 16).