September 16, 2021
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher, (608) 571-6823
County Board

Earlier this week, the Dane County Board of Supervisors heard from Dane County Department heads and members of the public in preparation for the 2022 Dane County budget process. The two public hearings provided an opportunity for members of the public to provide comments to the County Board on the 2022 budget as well as for department heads to provide an overview of their budget requests.


Common themes heard from members of the public included concerns for the homeless population, supports for purchase of service agencies, and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Department budget requests can be found online here, and the presentations from the meetings will be attached to the minutes of the meetings in the coming days. When posted, they can be found on the County’s Legislative Information Center.


"The budget season is here. These hearings provided an opportunity for the Board and members of the public to hear from the department’s regarding their priorities and how they are represented in their budget requests. It was also an opportunity for the public to provide input on the 2022 budget, which is critical as we move forward in the coming weeks," said County Board Chair Analiese Eicher.


County Executive Parisi will announce his 2022 budget on or before October 1, which kicks off a month and half of public meetings and opportunities for members of the public to weigh in as the Board considers the budget.


The schedule for standing committee meetings related to the budget can be found here. The County Board will meet on October 20 for a public hearing on the proposed budget, and will hold budget deliberations on November 8.


Information on the budget process can be found on the County Board’s website.