October 04, 2021
County Board Supervisor Patrick Miles, (608) 886-9167
County Board

The Alliant Energy Center Redevelopment Committee will meet virtually on Tuesday, October 5, at 11:00am. At the meeting, the Committee will receive an update on the developer proposals in response to the request for proposals (RFP) the county put out earlier this year.


The Committee, which consists of representatives from a variety of stakeholders in the community, was created in 2019 to work on next steps following an extensive master planning process completed in the previous years.


In March, the County issued a request for proposals for the redevelopment of the 164-acre campus, and has been in the process of reviewing and evaluating proposals since the May deadline for submission.


"This committee, and previous committees have worked with the neighborhood and other stakeholders to create a solid plan for how the campus is redeveloped and reimagined for the future to be an even stronger asset to the community as well as the state," said County Board Supervisor, Alliant Energy Center Redevelopment Committee Chair, and Personnel and Finance Committee Chair Patrick Miles (District 34). "I look forward to learning how developer responses align with the future vision of the AEC campus and the feasibility of their proposals."


"I think there is a lot of interest in the community to see that the next steps are consistent with the vision and plans born out of the Redevelopment Committee’s work."


Members of the public can register to attend and/or speak by following the information on the top of the agenda, available here: