October 05, 2021
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher, (608) 571-6823
County Board

The Dane County Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting to take public testimony on the proposed 2022 Dane County budget on Wednesday, October 20, at 6:00pm. This meeting will be held virtually—information to register and connect to the meeting is available at the top of the agenda, which will be available at by Friday, October 15.


The public is invited to testify for or against items in the County Executive’s proposed budget. The proposed budget can be found here: Testimony is also welcome on any amendments to that proposal.


"The budget is one of the most critical pieces of work the Board works on every year," said County Board Supervisor, and Personnel and Finance Committee Chair Patrick Miles (District 34). "The budget hearing is one way residents can tell us about the services that are most important to them. That will help inform our decisions and ensure the process produces a budget that reflects the County’s values."


The proposed 2022 Dane County budget authorizes a total of $747.8 million for combined operating and capital expenditures, financed by $462.8 million in outside revenues, existing resources, and borrowing; $68.2 million in sales tax; and $208.5 million in county tax levy funds. The proposed budget results in an increase in property taxes of $63.99 on the average Madison home.


"The County does a lot of important and impactful work. The budget process informs the work the County will do in the next year; that is why we need to hear from the residents we represent," said County Board Chair Analiese Eicher. "This is the Dane County community’s budget. The hearing and committee meetings, emails, and phone calls are ways to let the County Board know what spending priorities should be."


County Board committees will complete their consideration of amendments to the proposed budget by early November. The full Board will take up the budget on November 8th at 7 pm.  


More information on the budget process as well as the dates of committee meetings can be found here: