October 12, 2021
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher, (608) 571-6823
County Board

The Dane County Board of Supervisors is once again utilizing the budget simulation tool A Balancing Act. The Board piloted the simulation during the 2019 budget process and received quite a bit of feedback that it was a very useful and educational resource.

A Balancing Act is a multi-award winning budget simulation in use by 60 local governments nationwide. With this tool, the public will be able to simulate balancing the 2022 budget. The dollar figures in the simulation are from the actual 2022 Dane County budget as proposed by County Executive Parisi. 

"I’m excited to offer this tool again this year as a way to educate members of the public on this very important process," said County Board Chair Analiese Eicher.

The simulation tool uses data visualization tools to graphically display budget information, making it easy to see how the budget is divided among services. The simulation includes information about county departments, the services they provide, and allows users to see how changes affect different areas of the budget.


"As we work through another budget year, I am reminded of how important it is to understand the various services Dane County provides, and everything that goes into the County’s budget process," said County Board Supervisor, and Chair of the Personnel and Finance Committee Patrick Miles (District 34).  "A Balancing Act is a valuable tool to understand all that the budget supports. I hope members of the public will take the opportunity to explore the County’s budget and information about County services."


The input received through the simulation will be provided to the Personnel and Finance Committee.

The simulations can be found below, as well as on the County Board’s website.


English, Spanish, Hmong


English, Spanish, Hmong