October 14, 2021
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher, (608) 571-6823
County Board

The County Board met tonight for a public hearing and to take action on a tentative supervisory district map. The Board approved map "C".


Following months of work by the non-partisan Redistricting Commission, complicated by severe delays of the 2020 Census data, the Board worked within a condensed timeframe to take action on a map that was recommended from the Commission.


The Redistricting Commission submitted three maps to the Executive Committee on September 30, and in the week following, the full County Board heard a presentation of the maps and the Executive Committee narrowed the options down to one map.


"I’m incredibly proud of the work of the Redistricting Commission, their commitment to public input, and the maps that we received given extremely challenging circumstances," said County Board Chair Analiese Eicher. "I’m hopeful this process can be a model for others as an example of a fair, public-driven map drawing process".


The tentative map will now go to Dane County municipalities to adjust ward boundaries and then submit ward plans to the County.


The County Board is scheduled to adopt a final supervisory district map on November 18.