October 21, 2021
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher, (608) 571-6823
County Board

The County Board will hold a regularly scheduled meeting tonight at 7 pm.


At the meeting the Board will consider 2021 RES-187. If approved, the Dane County Conservation Fund Grant in the amount of $248,000 would be awarded to Groundswell Conservancy. The money would be used to purchase an Agricultural Land Easement on approximately 111 acres in the Town of Berry owned by Black Earth Valley Farms, LLC. This purchase would provide a needed link for the Black Earth Creek Trail and limit development.


"We have wonderful Parks and open spaces all over Dane County.  Steps like these will enhance existing Parks, give us a trail route, and keep farmland in farming for future generations" said County Board Supervisor Dave Ripp (District 29), who is also Chair of the Park Commission.


The County Board will also consider 2021 RES-188 that would authorize a purchase of land for Schumacher Farm Park for $315,000. The ½ acre property in the Town of Westport lies just east of the entrance to the Park.


Resolution 2021 RES-124 is also on the agenda for the Board’s consideration. The resolution to accept a farmland preservation plan grant in the amount of $30,000 is to support updating and recertifying the Dane County Farmland Preservation Plan, which is required by state law to be recertified every 10 years. The Dane County Farmland Preservation Plan makes farmers eligible for state benefits under the Working Lands Initiative, including income tax credits under WI State Statute Ch. 91.51.


"The farmland preservation program is important to conserving our county's land and water resources for generations to come," said County Supervisor Sarah Smith (District 24). "This grant will help us begin the recertification process for this program to continue its success."


"As we consider these important resolutions, I’m reminded how fortunate we are to have beautiful parks and opportunities for the residents of Dane County," said County Board Chair Analiese Eicher.


Members of the public can register to attend and/or speak by finding the information on the agenda.