November 19, 2021
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher, (608) 571-6823
County Board

At its meeting last night, the Dane County Board of Supervisors voted to approve a final supervisory district map, which was the result of a redistricting process that took place during the pandemic. The map will be used for the next ten years for elections and County Board representation.


The 2021 redistricting process used a new format that the Board approved in 2016, which included creation of a non-partisan redistricting commission to solicit maps from members of the public and then submit three recommended maps for consideration by the Board. Utilizing a non-partisan redistricting commission has been applauded by members of the public as it allowed those communities that are directly affected, rather than elected officials, to draw the maps.


The 11-member commission was appointed in fall of 2020 by County Board Chair Analiese Eicher and County Clerk Scott McDonell following an application process. The Commission met for several months to hear informational presentations, develop a communication plan, and, finally, to do the work to choose three maps to send to the full County Board for consideration.


The three maps submitted by the Commission to the County Board were considered in mid-October, where map "C" was selected. In the time since, Dane County municipalities have been participating in the ward reconciliation process, where minor changes are made to align with ward boundaries, and to address minor concerns among cities, towns, and villages.


The entirety of the redistricting process took place in an extremely condensed timeline due to the severe delays of census data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Without the delays of the census data, the redistricting process would have taken place in spring of 2021, allowing ample time to have a new map prior to December 1, when Dane County Board Supervisor candidates can take out papers to run for the next term, beginning in April 2022.


"I’m proud of the work of the Redistricting Commission, staff, and the County Board. This process would not have unfolded as smoothly in such trying circumstances without them," said County Board Chair Analiese Eicher. "It’s also important to acknowledge the work of the cities, villages, and towns in Dane County. Without their cooperation and hard work, we would not have been able to meet these strict deadlines. Every person in this process, and every resident of Dane County, should feel proud and confident that this map truly was drawn by the very people it represents. I hope this process can be a model for others."