March 16, 2022
County Board Supervisor Melissa Ratcliff, (608) 239-6548
County Board

The Dane County Broadband Task Force is asking members of the public to complete a survey about broadband access in the County. The online survey is open and available until April 15, 2022.


The Task Force recently collaborated with University of Wisconsin River Falls Survey Research Center to complete the broadband survey in Dane County with the intention to use the data for recommendations to the Dane County Board to improve broadband access. The survey consisting of a random sampling of mailed surveys as well as an online component will help inform the work of the task force as they consider recommendations that will be submitted to the County Board in June 2022.


"This is very exciting. We’ve heard over and over about the lack of access and the excessive costs of broadband in the County. This information will help the Task Force as we consider recommendations to improve broadband expansion throughout the County. Oftentimes the barrier to expansion is the lack of data – this is a great step to fulfill that void," said County Board Supervisor Melissa Ratcliff (District 36), who is also Chair of the Broadband Task Force.


The 15-member Task Force was created by the Dane County Board in 2021, and has been meeting since last July. One of the goals of the task force is to collect data and information on where there is, and is not service throughout the County.


"It’s important for members of the public to participate and share this survey. I’m optimistic that the task force will receive a large response because this is issue is front and center as so much of our lives has shifted online," said County Board Supervisor Kate McGinnity (District 37), who is Vice Chair of the Task Force.


The survey can be found here: www.tinyurl.com/danecountybb and will be available until April 15 at which time UW River Falls Survey Research Center will analyze and prepare a report for the Task Force on the information received.


"At this time, it is unacceptable that people cannot access and use the internet. By completing this survey we will have a better idea where the pockets of lack of service exist," said County Board Supervisor Dave Ripp (District 29), a member of the Task Force. "I encourage everyone to take the survey and share it widely".


The Task Force meets monthly on the first Thursday of the month at 9:00am. More information about the Task Force can be found here: https://board.countyofdane.com/initiatives/Broadband-Task-Force