Gift Cards for Guns

July 26, 2022
Elise Schaffer, PIO, (608) 284-6142
Sheriff's Office

The Dane County Sheriff’s Office, with the assistance of the City of Madison Police Department, will hold a Gift Cards for Guns event on Saturday, August 13 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Alliant Energy Center. If funds are expended prior to 2:00 pm, the event may close early.

“Too often, firearms can get into the wrong hands. The Sheriff’s Office is providing this opportunity for citizens to safely turn in unwanted firearms and possibly prevent a tragedy,” said Sheriff Kalvin Barrett. “I would like to thank County Executive Joe Parisi and County Board Supervisors April Kigeya and Alex Joers for their support on this initiative”.

Firearms are the most common method used in suicides. According to the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, suicides comprised the majority of gun deaths in 2019 at a rate of 71 percent. They cite a total of 604 gun deaths in Wisconsin in 2019, with 49 of those being children and teens.

Guns can be turned over anonymously, no questions asked!

  • Firearms must be transported unloaded and inside a trunk or cargo are of your vehicle. No walk-ups will be allowed.

  • Firearms should be either wrapped, cased or boxed.

  • Magazines and ammunition must be in a separate area of the vehicle (such as the backseat).

  • Firearms must be in working condition.

Gift cards for basic necessities like groceries and gas will be offered for the following:

  • Assault Rifles - $250

  • Ghost Guns - $200

  • Handguns/Rifles/Shotguns - $100

  • Revolvers - $50

  • BB Guns, Pellet Guns or facsimile firearms - $10-$25

Details on the event can be found at

Anyone interested in donating to the program can send an email to