Resolution to be Introduced to Include Universal Changing Stations in County Facilities

August 17, 2022
County Board Supervisor Aaron Collins, (608) 512-8389
County Board

At Thursday’s County Board meeting, County Board Supervisor Aaron Collins (District 10) will be introducing a resolution that, if approved, would make it a policy of Dane County for electric, height-adjustable universal changing stations to be available in properties owned and operated by the county where there is adequate space.

While changing stations are provided in most county facilities, electric, height-adjustable universal changing stations would provide inclusive and accessible facilities for people with disabilities, their families, and caregivers.

To assess the need for electric, height-adjustable universal changing stations, a survey was sent to disability advocacy organizations, wherein 92.6% of respondents indicated they would be more likely to visit public places that were equipped with these facilities.

"Dane County is a leader in progressive and inclusive policies and practices. By providing equal access to restroom facilities to all members of our community we are continuing that commitment, and will hopefully be a leader for other units of governments as well as the business community" said Supervisor Collins.

After introduction at Thursday’s meeting, the resolution will go through committees and back to the County Board in the coming weeks.