Scam Warning

April 26, 2023
Elise Schaffer, PIO, (608) 284-6155
Sheriff's Office

The Dane County Sheriff’s Office has been made aware that a telephone scammer is attempting to swindle local citizens under the false claim that there is a warrant out for their arrest.

A Madison woman contacted the Sheriff’s Office Monday evening after one of the scammers called her and demanded $4,000. The man, who claimed to be a deputy, directed her to come to the Public Safety Building with cash in hand. After speaking directly with the Sheriff’s Office, she was able to confirm that this was a scam and no money was exchanged.

Please be aware that law enforcement will never request money over the telephone or by email. These scammers often sound very legitimate and can spoof telephone numbers of the actual law enforcement agency, making the vetting even more difficult. Some telltale signs of a telephone scam are:

  • You didn’t initiate the call

  • They ask you to confirm personal information

  • They ask you to pay them with gift cards

  • They don’t want you to hang up

  • They pressure you to pay quickly

  • They threaten you

If you receive a phone call like this one, hang up and report the call to local authorities.