Town of Burke Road Construction

June 05, 2023
Elise Schaffer, PIO, (608) 284-6142
Sheriff's Office

The Dane County Sheriff’s Office wants to alert motorists to road closures in the town of Burke.

Phase one of the project started today from Reiner Road to the Burke Road intersection. Construction will require the road to be closed to thru traffic, with the detour route being CTH T – Bailey Road – Nelson Road – High Crossing Blvd.

Phase two will focus on Reiner Road south of Burke Road and is scheduled to begin on July 10th. That detour route will be Felland Road – Burke Road – High Crossing Blvd.

Large sign boards are in place to notify drivers that the road is closed to thru traffic. Violators could face a $175.30 citation for failure to obey the road closure.