Dane County’s PIE RESJ Grant Recipients Provide Effective Programming To Address Racial Disparities

November 07, 2023
Ariana Vruwink, 608-267-8823
County Executive, Office for Equity & Inclusion

Today, County Executive Joe Parisi and the Equity and Inclusion Advisory Board announced the impacts Dane County’s Partners in Equity (PIE) Racial Equity and Social Justice (RESJ) grants have had on the community to address racial disparities. The funding, available through the Tamara D. Grigsby Office for Equity and Inclusion, supports Dane County-based community groups that propose to address systemic racial inequities in the criminal justice system, education, employment, and health—including pandemic health related responses.


“Year after year, the PIE RESJ grants have supported community groups working to help address racial disparities and create positive impacts in Dane County,” said Dane County Executive Joe Parisi. “We appreciate their efforts to increase access to opportunity for all.”


Since its inception, 23 PIE RESJ grants totaling $324,300 have been awarded to Dane County community organizations. Recipients have included:


Centro Hispano

Midwest Mujeres

Simpson Street Free Press

Worker Justice

WRPT Big Step Project

YWCA, Warner Park, Elver Park, & Meadowood

100 Black Men

Cultural Connections

Boys and Girls Club

RCC Sexual Violence Resource Center

Mentoring Positives

Families Back to the Table

Today Not Tomorrow

Focused Interruption Coalition

Dane County TimeBank

Badger Prairie Needs Network

Community Ground Works

DSS Community Center

Walking Together

Clean Lakes Alliance


The partner agencies have reported the following results:


Education: Increased capacity for individualized language arts instruction; employment of high school and college-aged editors to facilitate proven curriculum as mentors and teachers to students who are below level proficiency in reading; expanded access to curriculum to include in-person, online-remote and hybrid schedules; affinity groups for Black middle school female identified students that focus on leadership skills, healthy relationships, and confidence building; youth advocate training for bystander intervention for sexual and gender based violence; mindfulness workshops in Spanish to support mental health needs.


Health: addressed basic needs that affect determinants of health, like food, clothing, stipends for internet during schools, and a toy drive for Christmas.


Employment: career classes and entrepreneurial programs; assisted Black and Brown women to learn content creation, facilitation, and business development; hired BIPOC artists to work with youth for arts programming and creation.


Criminal Justice: expanded restorative justice models for youth and adults; created “youth circle keepers community of practice”; expanded ability to receive law enforcement referrals and municipal court referrals; home visits for youth involved in the criminal legal system; studying social justice through social media to advocate for a topic they are passionate about, including petition signing, public service announcements, and resource sharing.