Pursuits and Tire Deflation Devices

January 03, 2024
Captain Kerry Porter
Sheriff's Office

On January 1, 2024, the Dane County Sheriff’s Office assisted the Monona Police Department in a vehicle pursuit that ended tragically with the loss of three lives.  That incident is currently being investigated by the Wisconsin Department of Justice – Division of Criminal Investigation.  The ongoing investigation prevents us from providing specific details concerning that incident, however we would like to clarify our position concerning vehicle pursuits and the use of tire deflation devices.


The Dane County Sheriff’s Office recognizes the risks involved in high speed vehicle pursuits and the danger it presents to the lives of the public, deputies, and the suspects involved in the pursuit.  The decision to initiate and continue a pursuit is done so carefully and with the safety of the public first and foremost.


One of the ways in which we seek to mitigate the inherent risks of vehicular pursuits is to quickly and safely end them once initiated.  Sheriff’s Office deputies are trained in the use of tire deflation devices and all of our patrol vehicles are equipped with road spike systems.  The road spike system is engineered to deflate tires without causing a blowout. Hollow tubes used in the device act as valves, releasing air from the tires at a slow and controlled rate.  The road spike system utilized by the Sheriff’s Office has proven to be safe and effective in bringing a conclusion to pursuits and safely apprehending suspects who make the decision to flee from law enforcement.


Whether the pursuit is initiated by Sheriff’s Office deputies, or by another public safety agency, reducing the risk to the public by utilizing a road spike system has been an effective tool in safely ending pursuits.