Dane County Board Approves Agreement with the Air National Guard to Continue to Provide Fire Fighting Services at the Dane County Regional Airport

February 02, 2024
County Board Chair Patrick Miles, (608) 886-9167
County Board

At Thursday night’s meeting, the Dane County Board voted to approve an Airport Joint Use Agreement.  Federal law requires Dane County to allow the Air National Guard, the Army National Guard and transient government aircraft use of runways, taxiways and related Airport facilities.  In consideration of the use of the facilities at the Dane County Regional Airport, the National Guard Bureau and the Department of Military Affairs agreed to enter into an agreement in which the United States and the State of Wisconsin will maintain Airport facilities used exclusively by state and federal aircraft. They also will provide full-time fire protection and crash rescue services for both civil and government aircraft emergencies, federally required services Dane County would otherwise have to fund itself, the resolution indicates.

“The agreement balances public safety needs, providing fire protection and crash rescue services, with ensuring accountability when something goes wrong ,” said County Board Chair Patrick Miles (District 34).  “More importantly, we want to ensure that people are not further exposed to PFAS contaminated water. The federal government has a plan to transition to PFAS-free firefighting foam. The Board will be monitoring the progress of that transition.”

The Board also approved a contract with Miron Construction Co. for the Dane County Jail Consolidation Project, in the amount of $161,606,647, with an amendment to its resolution encouraging Miron Construction to contract with local union companies to complete the work.

Additionally at the meeting, the Board recognized Dane County employees who have worked for the county for 25 years.  At the  meeting, 55 employees were recognized for reaching 25 years of service in 2023.  In total, Dane County has 2,631 employees, with 262 that have been working at the county for at least 25 years.  


“Dane County has hard-working, committed employees who dedicate their lives to their work.  I’m honored that we were able to recognize them at the meeting,” said Chair Miles.