Medication Treatment Program Continues to Grow

February 05, 2024
Elise Schaffer, PIO, (608) 284-6142
Sheriff's Office

The Dane County Jail’s Medication Assistance Treatment (MAT) program continued to grow in 2023.

During the year, 2,637 people received some service from the program. This could include screening, consultation, referrals, or medication. A total of 524 people received either Vivitrol or Buprenorphine/Subutex medications.

The MAT program was started in the spring of 2022, to offer a continuation of care to anyone entering the jail who is currently on a MAT program in the community. The medications are prescribed to treat opioid use disorder, which in turn helps people stop using illicit opioids and improves their health, with the goal of reducing recidivism. Our in-house medical staff administers the medications in a controlled environment. During the program's first year, 269 residents were issued the medicines.

“By nearly doubling the number of people receiving medication treatment in our jail in just over a year, we know the need for opioid treatment in our community is substantial,” said Sheriff Kalvin Barrett. “It is programs like this that address the root cause of incarceration and help stop the vicious cycle of criminalizing addiction.”