Telephone Scammers Use Artificial Intelligence

March 27, 2024
Elise Schaffer, PIO, (608) 284-6142
Sheriff's Office

The Dane County Sheriff’s Office is warning about the increasing advancements used by telephone scammers. The all too common “Grandparents Scam” has become even more believable with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

By taking online videos and using AI to create a recording using the person’s voice, scammers can make their victims believe their grandchild is in danger and need help. By playing on people’s emotions, these scammers are stealing thousands of dollars from unsuspecting senior citizens.

“We need to share this information far and wide to protect our most vulnerable community members from these callous scammers,” said Sheriff Kalvin Barrett. “The only way to deter this calculated criminal activity is to spread awareness of their ruthless tactics.”

Be cautious of how much is shared on social media accounts. Locking down privacy settings so that scammers cannot access video content is another way to lessen their prospects. If you receive one of these calls, hang up and call the family member directly to check on their welfare. Chances are, they are doing just fine, and you can sigh with relief that your bank account is still intact.